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English/Writing Tutor with College Teaching Experience

I've been tutoring or teaching English for over a decade, first as a Writing tutor during college, then as a Graduate Assistant for Academic support while completing my Masters. I taught as an Adjunct Instructor at Suffolk County Community College for several years before going abroad to pursue another MA degree at the University of London. I can work with students across the humanities, reading and writing about a various topics. In addition to writing, I can provide general academic supp...






Foo W. from Mill Neck, NY

She taught me to read movie review articles of NYT that was very helpful for me to get a deep understanding of English in description of various objects, feelings and situations, etc. By doing so I learned useful words, their nuances with the words I already know which I would have missed without her tutoring. She is very patient and knowledgeable. I feel I can learn a lot from her to improve my English skills in reading, writing and speaking. Thanks to her tutoring!

Zirza P. from Port Washington, NY

My son is motivated to learn, Ms. Ailia's method of teaching it is working for my son. She is very kind, has experience and it is very understanding

Jan U. from Syosset, NY

Worked with Ailia, for the GMAT English section. She was very flexible with meetings and understanding of any changes (with ample notice). I am glad I got to work with Ailia, and would recommend her to any GMAT test takers.